Thursday, November 8, 2012

#7 Twice on the pipes... if the answer is no!

I am not really good at this blogging my gratitude everyday. So right now, double posting seems to work.

Yesterday morning, by 715 AM, I knew what I needed to be grateful for that day because I had complained the loudest about it.

I am thankful for Indoor Plumbing!!

I wasn't complaining about indoor plumbing per se.... I was complaining about the lack of privacy when I occupy my bathroom. This is something that I have discovered comes with the territory of being a mother. The moment you cross the threshold, the Christmas rush follows. No matter the industrial strength your lock might be, children use their mind powers to pick those locks. Children seem to believe that the only way to communicate is through the bathroom door. But this is something that only happens to mothers.... never the father.

Our days start very early at our house: 0615 AM. I woke up a little bit later and immedialtly jumped in the shower. I didn't lock the door behind me (even though that would have done me no good). I showered quickly and it seemed that everytime I tried to get out of the shower someone was trying to get into the bathroom. By the time I could finally get out of the shower, I was running 15 minutes behind schedule. Without fail, the next person comes in to get ready. With no privacy and a second bathroom, I have to fight to get ready every morning!!

Four people using one very small bathroom is not an easy task.

But I have a toilet that flushes, a sink that doesn't leak and a shower/tub with hot water.

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