Saturday, December 10, 2016

Your Choice and the Accountability for Life

To the State of Ohio,

Just recently you made the choice to pass a law that (in so many words) says an abortion cannot be performed if a heart beat is heard. The heart beat of a fetus is heard around six to eight weeks of gestation. While this choice has been made, I can't help but wonder:

What are you going to tell the little girl that was raped multiple times by her father and is now pregnant with his child?

How are you going to console the mother, whose daughter has died with a wire hanger in her hand trying to give herself an abortion?

How will you hold the fathers of these children accountable? Because the last time I checked, it took one male and one female to make one human.

How will you help the mentally retarded woman who has been raped and cannot take care of herself or another person?

What do you tell the husband whose wife has died of pregnancy related complications, when all that was need was an abortion to save her life?

What plans do you have in place to prevent the unnecessary deaths of countless number of woman?

How will you help those who may find themselves in what they believe to be a hopeless situation, believing that the only alternative is to give themselves an abortion that results in their pointless death.

Do you have plans for the influx of children that will now be on welfare? or placed in foster care?

Do you have plans to help families adopt these children that cannot be cared for?

What plans do you have for your Prenatal Medicaid Services and CHIP? Do you plan on funding either of them?  What about your department of education?

Are you going to be willing to help that mother who will need two or more jobs to make ends meet?

How will you guarantee that the father of those children pays his child support?

I am Pro-Choice with a belief that abortion is not always the answer. Life is sacred. The sanctity of life does not end the moment we exit the womb. It begins from the moment of conception follows us to the moment of death.

 Many women enter into clinics, surgical centers and hospitals feeling powerless and hopeless. You can't just declare "No More Abortions" and hope the problem magically fixes itself. We need to start giving those women hope! Because when they have hope they can find the power to make a change for the better in this world.

Unless you the State, step up an offer an alternative to an abortion, "Back-alley Abortions" will make a come back stronger than ever! You will be met with death and you will have no one to blame but yourselves. You've taken away someones right to choose. You've taken away their choice, Now give them another choice. Give them a choice that gives them hope.

Many of these woman made the choice to have sex. For many of them, the choice was forced upon them. I beg of you, no matter the sins of the parents, please do not let these children suffer. If you really are pro-life, then be a champion for a persons entire life.

