Friday, November 23, 2012
#23 Hotstuff
He is the peanut butter to my jelly... the ping to my pong... the ying to my yang... the light to my dark... the good in all of my bad.
He is my better half... my lover... my teacher... my husband... my Hotstuff.
He makes me laugh.
He constantly surprises me.
This is my Hotstuff.
He is mine and I am his. He makes me better. For that reason and so many more, I love him. There are no words to express how grateful I am to have him apart of my life.
I love my Hotstuff!
a smackeral of honey,
Your Mothers Post
#22 Happy Thanksgiving!
On this beautiful Thanksgiving morning, I found myself in the desert of Price, Utah.
It was about 29 degrees and I was about to run 8 miles. As the 2nd Annual Turkey Trot started, I looked around me and was humbled by the wonder and beauty I was surrounded in. At the end of this run, I was truly grateful for three things.
1. Mr. Teacher
This is Hotstuffs oldest brother (and three girls).
When I signed up for the Turkey Trot, I thought it was just a 5k. Then when I double checked the info, it said it was a four mile course.
"No problem!" I thought. "Four miles is just a little more than a 5k and I can do this!"
Then I got to the actual race and the race was explained at the start. The race wasn't 4 miles, it was 8! The halfway point was at four miles. The great part about this Turkey Trot was you could go at your own pace: run/walk, ride; and you could go as far as you wanted. There was no first, second or last place. This was a fun run on a Thanksgiving morning.
I decided to run the whole thing... well, technically, I ran six and walked two. But I did all eight miles. So now, you must wonder what my run and Mr. Teacher have anything to do with one another. Well, here goes:
Mr. Teacher has taught me that when you are given no limits, you can accomplish anything. I realized as I was running through the desert that if I limited myself to a certain number of miles, I was going to struggle. He came to my mind and I knew that if I just ran and listened to my body, I could accomplish anything.
I accomplished eight miles.
#2 Willis Van Gough
This amazing woman in Willis Van Gough. She is an artist, wife, mother, grandmother, runner/athlete and super awesomeness! She is the one who puts together the Turkey Trot every year and this year she became my running buddy.
She was a great running buddy and were are now signed up for a half marathon in March. We kept pace with one another and I made it all eight miles with her by my side.
#3 "For the Beauty of the Earth"
I believe that when God created the world, he took his time in Carbon County Utah. It is a beautiful desert, no matter how hot or cold. I found a deep appreciation for this beautiful creation, the Earth, that I have been blessed with. I love the great Northwest and all its trees. I love the beach and the way the warm sand feels on my feet. I love the desert and the mountains. The entire earth is a mystery and a wonder. This Earth a beautiful gift and I am grateful to live in it.
So after I have stuffed myself with Turkey, mashed potatoes and pie; I sat back and realized the many great gifts that I have and the many more gifts to come to be grateful for.
It was about 29 degrees and I was about to run 8 miles. As the 2nd Annual Turkey Trot started, I looked around me and was humbled by the wonder and beauty I was surrounded in. At the end of this run, I was truly grateful for three things.
1. Mr. Teacher
This is Hotstuffs oldest brother (and three girls).
When I signed up for the Turkey Trot, I thought it was just a 5k. Then when I double checked the info, it said it was a four mile course.
"No problem!" I thought. "Four miles is just a little more than a 5k and I can do this!"
Then I got to the actual race and the race was explained at the start. The race wasn't 4 miles, it was 8! The halfway point was at four miles. The great part about this Turkey Trot was you could go at your own pace: run/walk, ride; and you could go as far as you wanted. There was no first, second or last place. This was a fun run on a Thanksgiving morning.
I decided to run the whole thing... well, technically, I ran six and walked two. But I did all eight miles. So now, you must wonder what my run and Mr. Teacher have anything to do with one another. Well, here goes:
Mr. Teacher has taught me that when you are given no limits, you can accomplish anything. I realized as I was running through the desert that if I limited myself to a certain number of miles, I was going to struggle. He came to my mind and I knew that if I just ran and listened to my body, I could accomplish anything.
I accomplished eight miles.
#2 Willis Van Gough
This amazing woman in Willis Van Gough. She is an artist, wife, mother, grandmother, runner/athlete and super awesomeness! She is the one who puts together the Turkey Trot every year and this year she became my running buddy.
(The last two photos, courtesy of Willis Van Gough)
She was a great running buddy and were are now signed up for a half marathon in March. We kept pace with one another and I made it all eight miles with her by my side.
#3 "For the Beauty of the Earth"
(Last photo courtesy of Willis Van Gough)
So after I have stuffed myself with Turkey, mashed potatoes and pie; I sat back and realized the many great gifts that I have and the many more gifts to come to be grateful for.
Happy Thanksgiving!
a smackeral of honey,
Your Mothers Post
#21 Mom and Pop and Daniel Craig
I had the amazing opportunity to attend to 2nd Annual Turkey Trot in Price, Utah this week (more on that to come soon). I decided to go down and stay with my dearest friend and kindred sister, LJ. We decided to go out to dinner and a movie. We went out for dinner, received horrible service and missed the 7 pm movie.
Since she had a sitter for her kids, we decided to go to the late movie and see Skyfall, the new James Bond movie. We double checked the times and knew that there was a 930 playing. Once we finally got done with dinner, we headed over to the theatre. Once we arrived, to our dismay, there was no 930 showing of Skyfall and there was nothing else good to see.
We talked for minute, totally at a loss of what to do and the owner of the theatre looked at us and said: "If you guys want to watch Skyfall, I can start it up again at 930."
So just for us, the owner of the theatre gave us a private showing of Daniel Craig! I mean, Skyfall. (Which is an awesome movie by the way! It is a must see!!!)
If I had gone a BIG theatre ( *cough cough Cinemark *cough cough) and missed the time the movie started then I would have missed the movie all together, no one would have offered to show it again. Plus my 32 oz soda and skittles only cost me $4 not $8. The consideration, courtesy and personal service is something that is forgotten these days. So I am truly grateful for small businesses, those mom and pop shop that are willing to treat you like you are important enough.
Since she had a sitter for her kids, we decided to go to the late movie and see Skyfall, the new James Bond movie. We double checked the times and knew that there was a 930 playing. Once we finally got done with dinner, we headed over to the theatre. Once we arrived, to our dismay, there was no 930 showing of Skyfall and there was nothing else good to see.
We talked for minute, totally at a loss of what to do and the owner of the theatre looked at us and said: "If you guys want to watch Skyfall, I can start it up again at 930."
So just for us, the owner of the theatre gave us a private showing of Daniel Craig! I mean, Skyfall. (Which is an awesome movie by the way! It is a must see!!!)
If I had gone a BIG theatre ( *cough cough Cinemark *cough cough) and missed the time the movie started then I would have missed the movie all together, no one would have offered to show it again. Plus my 32 oz soda and skittles only cost me $4 not $8. The consideration, courtesy and personal service is something that is forgotten these days. So I am truly grateful for small businesses, those mom and pop shop that are willing to treat you like you are important enough.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
#20 Mr and Mrs Orng Crushr
Today I am most grateful for this awesome couple!
Mr. and Mrs. Orgn Crushr are about to become legal! This cute couple is just about to get hitched. Mr. Crushr is Hotstuff's younger brother and because of his job, he spends a great deal of time out, away from home. When Mr. Crushr comes home, it's a BIG deal and there is so much to be grateful for that he is home.
I have had the awesome privilege of getting to know Mrs. Crushr in the last year. Family means a great deal to me and getting to know Mrs. Crushr has been wonderful. I am grateful for the times we have had to get to know each other. I consider her a dear friend and sister (even if they aren't legal yet.)
Out of respect for their privacy and the current circumstances of their life, I can't tell you much more about this cute couple. But they are loved, missed and I am grateful that they are apart of my life.
a smackeral of honey,
Your Mothers Post
#19 Music of the Night
I went for my Monday run last night. Once again, I was grateful for this run.
But it's time for another confession....
I love music!
I have a very small addiction to, where I purchase about 98% of all of my music. (Disclamer: the only time I purchase from iTunes is when I recieve a gift card. I am not a fan of iTunes at all.)
I love and the variety I can get from that website. I have discovered some great music from there.
I never go anywhere without my iPod touch and I would be lost without it. I couldn't run. I have a playlist called: Run Fatty!, the playlist I listen to when I run.
Run Fatty! includes:
Anna Sun- Walk the Moon
Build God, Then We'll Talk- Panic at the Disco!
Up Up & Away- Kid Cudi
Lose Yourself - Eminem
Sweet Dispostion- The Temper Trap
X Amount of Words (live)- Blue October
Shiver- Coldplay
and 25 more awesome songs.
I am all about good music!
I am a fan of Miles Davis, Billy Holliday, Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra and many others. I LOVE Opera and classical music. I love religious hymns. I love rock and roll. I grew up in the Great Northwest, where Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden and all things grunge shaped my generation, changing music. (Sorry all you hair band fans!)
Music is a great power in our world and can inspire. I am grateful that I can hear music; that I can feel it. There is freedom in music.
I am grateful for the sound of music and the possibilities it creates.
a smackeral of honey,
Your Mothers Post
#18 S-E-X
I know...
This looks really wrong...
I have all of these wonderful heartwarming post about family, friends and all things wonderful. Then I go and ruin it with a post about sex.
But it is something that I just so happen to be grateful for.
I am not going to bore you with any details and I am not going to be a prude about it either.
I am grateful for SEX!!!!
It is wonderful, amazing, fun, sweet, and did I mention that it is awesome!?!?!
There is pure power that encompasses sex. It has the power to create, to bind and it even has the power to destroy. I am grateful for the creation and for the binding that comes when I share myself with my Hotstuff. It strengthens our partnership and makes us better for each other.
I am grateful for sex and like I said... I won't bore you with the details.
This looks really wrong...
I have all of these wonderful heartwarming post about family, friends and all things wonderful. Then I go and ruin it with a post about sex.
But it is something that I just so happen to be grateful for.
I am not going to bore you with any details and I am not going to be a prude about it either.
I am grateful for SEX!!!!
It is wonderful, amazing, fun, sweet, and did I mention that it is awesome!?!?!
There is pure power that encompasses sex. It has the power to create, to bind and it even has the power to destroy. I am grateful for the creation and for the binding that comes when I share myself with my Hotstuff. It strengthens our partnership and makes us better for each other.
I am grateful for sex and like I said... I won't bore you with the details.
#17 Brudder Matthew
Meet Hotstuff youngest brother:
Brudder Matthew
(he is the tall one the middle being mobbed by the ones who love him)
He was able to have come home for a few days this month. He is the reason why we had two extra Thanksgivings this month but that is not why I am grateful for him. The reason why I am grateful for him is kinda complicated.
A couple of years ago, I was at a turning point in my life. Brudder Matthew was the drive behind the positive change that I made. I was able to see the good in myself and be able to stand up for myself. He made me stronger.
I am grateful for what happened and even though the positive change came from a negative experience, he was the only one who could have been the drive behind the changes I made. He is the one who could help me find the strength to know that everything is going to be okay.
As Oscar Wilde once said: “Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary.”
Thanks Brudder Matthew for the strength that you gave me.
a smackeral of honey,
Your Mothers Post
#16 Bubba Jones
I am so very grateful for my little boy- Bubba Jones
The other night, Bubba Jones was in the front room watching Phineas and Ferb. Everyone else was busy doing other things and I was bored. I decided that I wanted to spend time with him. I went out into the front room and he was on the couch. I cuddled up next to him but he didn't want me. He had finally had some time to be by himself and he didn't want company. I teased him for a while but finally he let up and the two of us watched Phineas and Ferb for a while cuddled up on the couch.
He is a miracle.
He has cortical dysplasia and every case is very different. But he has not let that stop him. He loves math and school. He is bright and imaginative. He is honest and funny. He sees things differently and has no fear to try new things.
He is a miracle and I am grateful to be his Momma.
a smackeral of honey,
Your Mothers Post
Thursday, November 15, 2012
#15 Food, Glorious Food!
I love food and I love to eat.
But most recently, I have not been able to enjoy eating. It has become a painful and naseauting experience each time I try to.
My most favorite food is my mother lasagna. I know exactly how she made it but I cannot make it taste the way she did.
I love fruits and their sweetness. I don't think I have met a vegietable that I haven't liked... except eggplant (and maybe a couple others). I love POTATOES and TOMATOES! I have a sweet tooth that I need to do better at controlling. I am a tree hugger but still enjoy a great steak every so often.
I am always trying new things in the kitchen. I am even experimenting with baking. GASP!!!
Like I said earlier, I am no longer find joy in food. So this Thanksgiving, I am grateful for food. I am grateful for the taste of peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, bread, turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, pies in all their variaties and any other favorites that I have forgotten to mention.
I am grateful that even though I can't eat, I know that I have been bleesed with a bountious table full of wonderful things that tempt my tastebuds.
But most recently, I have not been able to enjoy eating. It has become a painful and naseauting experience each time I try to.
My most favorite food is my mother lasagna. I know exactly how she made it but I cannot make it taste the way she did.
I love fruits and their sweetness. I don't think I have met a vegietable that I haven't liked... except eggplant (and maybe a couple others). I love POTATOES and TOMATOES! I have a sweet tooth that I need to do better at controlling. I am a tree hugger but still enjoy a great steak every so often.
I am always trying new things in the kitchen. I am even experimenting with baking. GASP!!!
Like I said earlier, I am no longer find joy in food. So this Thanksgiving, I am grateful for food. I am grateful for the taste of peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, bread, turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, pies in all their variaties and any other favorites that I have forgotten to mention.
I am grateful that even though I can't eat, I know that I have been bleesed with a bountious table full of wonderful things that tempt my tastebuds.
a smackeral of honey,
Sharing is Caring
#14 I love to laugh
My Wednesday started with laughter and didn't stop all day.
I love laughter.
I love the giggles of small children. Most especially when they are being silly or being tickled. I love a great story that makes everyone laugh.
I love to laugh until I can't breath.
Laughter invovles every muscle, every breath and is great for the soul.
I am grateful for laughter today because... I don't know, I guess I have never stopped to think about why I am grateful for it or why I love it. All I know is that laughter really is the best medicine to cure the hurt and pain.
I love to laugh and I am grateful for it.
I love laughter.
I love the giggles of small children. Most especially when they are being silly or being tickled. I love a great story that makes everyone laugh.
I love to laugh until I can't breath.
Laughter invovles every muscle, every breath and is great for the soul.
I am grateful for laughter today because... I don't know, I guess I have never stopped to think about why I am grateful for it or why I love it. All I know is that laughter really is the best medicine to cure the hurt and pain.
I love to laugh and I am grateful for it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
#13 A mothers love
To be fair, I can't do a post about Dad without doing a post about Mom.
Meet my Mother.
This last October, marked 9 years since she passed away.
I miss her.
It doesn't matter how old you will be, you will always want your Mommy. She brought me into this world and rasied me. She taught me how to read and write, how to cook and how to be a good homemaker. She taught me what to do and what not to do when it came to family. She was very athletic and a mechanic. I have a lot of good memories of her and a lot of bad memories.
She fought her demons everyday but now she is at peace.
Meet my Mom.
This beautiful woman is my Mom. I couldn't tell you about the first time I met her because I don't remember. Just like Dad, it was like she wasn't there one day and the next she was. She is an incredible hard worker. My last Thanksgiving with my Mother, we had 15 or more people over. Mom couldn't make it because she had to work. She came over after work and I remember her sitting down on the couch exhausted and ready to cry. She had missed out on Thanksgiving.
I remember that so very vividly because that is how I feel on a daily basis. She had gone to work outside her home and had done it for her family. Dad was going to school to become a teacher and Mom became a bread winner. I watched as she came into the house and sat down. Even though she was exhausted and ready to cry, I knew she was happy to be with her family. She was truly grateful to be with them... even if she had missed the turkey.
She has been the example of what I needed to show me that we might miss out on the Turkey but there is always joy in Motherhood. She is never afraid to tell me how it is, even when I don't like what she has to say. Because what she has to say is the truth.
I remember the day that I stopped feeling like an orphan. It was a sunday. I had gone up to spend a long weekend in Seattle with Mom and Dad. Church wasn't until the afternoon and Dad had early morning meetings. I was sleeping on the couch and he stopped to tell me that Mom was in bed and the spot next to her was open.
Now let me explain something... my parents have the most AMAZING bed ever! Now I don't covet but this is something that I am dire need of repenting of. So back to my story....
I got up quickly and ran into the bedroom. I crawled under the covers next to my mom. We spent the next few hours just talking. In that morning, I no longer felt lost. I was no longer an orphan. For the first time in seven years and at the age of 28, I was found a place where I belonged.
Everyone needs an anchor to their soul. Sometimes we need a couple of extra anchors. I have been blessed with more than one anchor and I have Mom and a Dad to be one of those anchors. For that, one cannot measure the gratitude because it is eternal.
Meet my Mother.
This last October, marked 9 years since she passed away.
I miss her.
It doesn't matter how old you will be, you will always want your Mommy. She brought me into this world and rasied me. She taught me how to read and write, how to cook and how to be a good homemaker. She taught me what to do and what not to do when it came to family. She was very athletic and a mechanic. I have a lot of good memories of her and a lot of bad memories.
She fought her demons everyday but now she is at peace.
Meet my Mom.
This beautiful woman is my Mom. I couldn't tell you about the first time I met her because I don't remember. Just like Dad, it was like she wasn't there one day and the next she was. She is an incredible hard worker. My last Thanksgiving with my Mother, we had 15 or more people over. Mom couldn't make it because she had to work. She came over after work and I remember her sitting down on the couch exhausted and ready to cry. She had missed out on Thanksgiving.
I remember that so very vividly because that is how I feel on a daily basis. She had gone to work outside her home and had done it for her family. Dad was going to school to become a teacher and Mom became a bread winner. I watched as she came into the house and sat down. Even though she was exhausted and ready to cry, I knew she was happy to be with her family. She was truly grateful to be with them... even if she had missed the turkey.
She has been the example of what I needed to show me that we might miss out on the Turkey but there is always joy in Motherhood. She is never afraid to tell me how it is, even when I don't like what she has to say. Because what she has to say is the truth.
I remember the day that I stopped feeling like an orphan. It was a sunday. I had gone up to spend a long weekend in Seattle with Mom and Dad. Church wasn't until the afternoon and Dad had early morning meetings. I was sleeping on the couch and he stopped to tell me that Mom was in bed and the spot next to her was open.
Now let me explain something... my parents have the most AMAZING bed ever! Now I don't covet but this is something that I am dire need of repenting of. So back to my story....
I got up quickly and ran into the bedroom. I crawled under the covers next to my mom. We spent the next few hours just talking. In that morning, I no longer felt lost. I was no longer an orphan. For the first time in seven years and at the age of 28, I was found a place where I belonged.
Everyone needs an anchor to their soul. Sometimes we need a couple of extra anchors. I have been blessed with more than one anchor and I have Mom and a Dad to be one of those anchors. For that, one cannot measure the gratitude because it is eternal.
#12 And where is the Body?
Back in September, I went to a Girls Night Out hosted by the hospital I work for. It is fair of sorts that focus's on womens lives and health issues. I had never been and I invited my friend Miss Marie to go with me. Every year our hospital holds a 5k and half marathon to raise money for cancer. We stopped a booth that was promoting that run. We both talked to the man at the booth about the run that will be held in June 2013. Miss Marie signed up to run the race and I thought to myself: "If Miss Marie runs off a cliff, I should totally follow her!"
Not really. She was excited about this half marathon and I got excited too! I have always wanted to run the 5k but I realized that there was nine months until this half marathon and I could get ready for it by then. There was another booth that we also stopped at that had training courses to help prepare for the half marathon.
A 5k is a little over three miles... what's ten more?
I started running in the evening times with my neighbor and got up to 2.5 miles. I am almost to a 5k!!! But then.... my fibromyalgia kicked my ass one day. Then I dealt with whatever sickness that had plagued my Hotstuff. My running in the evenings became a distant memory. What has made it even harder on me is that I have NO ONE to train with. Miss Marie has a full plate and is no longer going to run. Hotstuff says running makes his knees hurt and anyone else thinks I am just crazy for running. I really need someone to pace with me. I can't seem to catch a break.
Last night, as with every Monday, the kids had gymnastics at our local rec center. Hotstuff and I both went to the oppurtunity to go work out while the kids did their gymnastics. I ran 2.5 miles for the first time in almost three months!
So today, I am grateful for that run. I was able to remind myself that I still can move and my body will not be defeat by illness. I felt that wonderful high as my body streamed along the track. My feet carried me along the blue floor. I felt weightless and powerful... even when I began to burn and beg for breath.
To quote the awesome song by Young the Giant: "My body tells me no, but I won't quit 'cause I want more."
Not really. She was excited about this half marathon and I got excited too! I have always wanted to run the 5k but I realized that there was nine months until this half marathon and I could get ready for it by then. There was another booth that we also stopped at that had training courses to help prepare for the half marathon.
A 5k is a little over three miles... what's ten more?
I started running in the evening times with my neighbor and got up to 2.5 miles. I am almost to a 5k!!! But then.... my fibromyalgia kicked my ass one day. Then I dealt with whatever sickness that had plagued my Hotstuff. My running in the evenings became a distant memory. What has made it even harder on me is that I have NO ONE to train with. Miss Marie has a full plate and is no longer going to run. Hotstuff says running makes his knees hurt and anyone else thinks I am just crazy for running. I really need someone to pace with me. I can't seem to catch a break.
Last night, as with every Monday, the kids had gymnastics at our local rec center. Hotstuff and I both went to the oppurtunity to go work out while the kids did their gymnastics. I ran 2.5 miles for the first time in almost three months!
So today, I am grateful for that run. I was able to remind myself that I still can move and my body will not be defeat by illness. I felt that wonderful high as my body streamed along the track. My feet carried me along the blue floor. I felt weightless and powerful... even when I began to burn and beg for breath.
To quote the awesome song by Young the Giant: "My body tells me no, but I won't quit 'cause I want more."
a smackeral of honey,
Your Mothers Post
Sunday, November 11, 2012
#11 A father and a Soldier
Today, I am most grateful for this man here:
Meet my Dad.
And yes, he does look really young for having a daughter who is 30. That is because, he is only 42. Doing the math in your head doesn't really work. There really is twelve years between us.
Explanation: I am "adopted".
Many, many years ago, my own biological parents divorced. My father left us and I was raised by my mother. My mother had this incredibly beautiful friend, Granny M that I have known since I was twelve. She and her husband Papa M, took my mother into their hearts and welcomed her with open arms. In many ways, my mother became one of their own. Granny M passed away a few years ago but Papa is still with us.
A couple of years after meeting Granny and Papa, I met Dad. He had just left the military and moved back Oregon with Mom and Lil Brudder. I can't remember the first time I met him or Mom for that matter. It was as if one day they weren't there and the next they were. Everything about our relationships with one another felt very natural, as if we were simply picking up where we had left off. As the years went on, I would not have survived my teenage years without him or Mom.
They took me into their hearts and home, just as his parents did for my mother. I remember when I graduated from high school, as I walked off the stage I heard someone yelling at me. I turned to look and see Mom, Dad and Lil Brudder all cheering me on. When I moved to Utah, he and Mom threw me a last minute going away party (on Fathers day, a sunday and they put it all on the credit card! If that is not love, I don't know what to tell you). When I brought Hotstuff home to meet everyone, the day after he had met Hotstuff for the first time, we went over for dinner. He and mom hadn't returned from the store yet but the moment he walked in the door he told me we needed to talk.
I won't lie, I was nervous. I thought I was in big trouble! But we sat down, just the two of us and had a father-daughter talk that I will never forget. That is a cherished memory of mine and I know, that talk is what I needed to put me on the right path of marrying my Hotstuff. He put his arms around me and told me that I was the daughter he would never have. For that one simple statement has brought completion to my life.
Today is Veterans day and I honor those who have fought for this incredible nation. My dad is one of them. I hope that he knows how much he means to me. It has taken me a very long time to no longer feel like an orphan. When I talk of home, they are apart of the home.
My kids call him Poppy but to me he is my Dad.
Meet my Dad.
And yes, he does look really young for having a daughter who is 30. That is because, he is only 42. Doing the math in your head doesn't really work. There really is twelve years between us.
Explanation: I am "adopted".
Many, many years ago, my own biological parents divorced. My father left us and I was raised by my mother. My mother had this incredibly beautiful friend, Granny M that I have known since I was twelve. She and her husband Papa M, took my mother into their hearts and welcomed her with open arms. In many ways, my mother became one of their own. Granny M passed away a few years ago but Papa is still with us.
A couple of years after meeting Granny and Papa, I met Dad. He had just left the military and moved back Oregon with Mom and Lil Brudder. I can't remember the first time I met him or Mom for that matter. It was as if one day they weren't there and the next they were. Everything about our relationships with one another felt very natural, as if we were simply picking up where we had left off. As the years went on, I would not have survived my teenage years without him or Mom.
They took me into their hearts and home, just as his parents did for my mother. I remember when I graduated from high school, as I walked off the stage I heard someone yelling at me. I turned to look and see Mom, Dad and Lil Brudder all cheering me on. When I moved to Utah, he and Mom threw me a last minute going away party (on Fathers day, a sunday and they put it all on the credit card! If that is not love, I don't know what to tell you). When I brought Hotstuff home to meet everyone, the day after he had met Hotstuff for the first time, we went over for dinner. He and mom hadn't returned from the store yet but the moment he walked in the door he told me we needed to talk.
I won't lie, I was nervous. I thought I was in big trouble! But we sat down, just the two of us and had a father-daughter talk that I will never forget. That is a cherished memory of mine and I know, that talk is what I needed to put me on the right path of marrying my Hotstuff. He put his arms around me and told me that I was the daughter he would never have. For that one simple statement has brought completion to my life.
Today is Veterans day and I honor those who have fought for this incredible nation. My dad is one of them. I hope that he knows how much he means to me. It has taken me a very long time to no longer feel like an orphan. When I talk of home, they are apart of the home.
My kids call him Poppy but to me he is my Dad.
#10 Words, Words, Words
Saturday mornings, everyone pitches in and has assigned chores. While cleaning the front room yesterday, I started straightening the bookshelf and was amazed at all of the books that I had. Many I have read and a few of them I haven't. I have blogged a lot about reading and the books I have read. I just finshed three books this last week and am currently working on my fourth.
I took a moment yesterday and stood before my almost over flowing bookshelf and gave thanks to the beautiful written words that I hold. They are my words, those are my worlds, my laughter, my escape.
I love to read and I love to write.
Without the words on my shelves, I couldn't find inspiration. There is power in words and I am grateful for the power that comes with those words.
a smackeral of honey,
Sharing is Caring
#9 Best Friends Forever
I spent the day looking for what I was most grateful for that day. I had almost resigned to just picking something random until I went bowling.
Hotstuff and I have some friends with two small kids. We were neighbors and still attend church together. So Sargent Daddy called us and suggested that our families all go bowling together. We met at the bowling alley and paid for our game. Sargent Mommy sat out while the rest of us got ready.
I was a little concerned that she wasn't playing. Sargent Mommy said that she wasn't feeling good and was really sore. Then she told me that she was pregnant! I am so excited to see there family grow again.
Then she told me something that I wasn't expecting. She told me that she was really wanted to tell me that she was pregnant. She is not too far into her pregnancy and was excited to tell me about her happy news. I feel honored that she wanted to tell me. Late in the evening, I realized how grateful I was to be a friend and to have friends in my life.
I have been blessed with great women in my life to be my friends. They know my deepest secrets, my biggest dreams; they share my tears and laughter. They have watched me grow and learn. They have seen my triumphs, my failures, my awkwardness and my victories.
They know who they are and all I can hope for is that I have been the great friend that they have been to me.
a smackeral of honey,
Sharing is Caring
Thursday, November 8, 2012
#8 Trust me... I'm a Doctor

Not that Doctor! (All though he is my favorite Doctor)
Hi, my name is Honey and I am a Diet Coke Addict.
But currently, I have strayed.
I am sorry.
I have been unfaithful.
I have been seeing another soda.

Let me explain.... I have been sick.
Really sick.
When I get sick Sprite and Gatorade is the way to go. But then I have this lingering sickness and though I am not contagious, my stomach doesn't want much of anything. Dr. Pepper is the one thing that doesn't make me nauseous (even when water does). Last year, I had another asthma flare up and I was sick for a month. I could barely eat anything but the one thing that gave me satisfaction was Dr. Pepper and a Granny B's Ginger Molasses's cookies. I could have both of those with causing any pain and I could keep them down.
When I go home to Seattle, I buy a twelve pack of Dr. Pepper and I split it with Lil Brudder.
So today, I am grateful for Dr. Pepper and all of it's fizziness. It makes my tummy feel better and reminds me of going home.
a smackeral of honey,
Sharing is Caring
#7 Twice on the pipes... if the answer is no!
I am not really good at this blogging my gratitude everyday. So right now, double posting seems to work.
Yesterday morning, by 715 AM, I knew what I needed to be grateful for that day because I had complained the loudest about it.
I am thankful for Indoor Plumbing!!
I wasn't complaining about indoor plumbing per se.... I was complaining about the lack of privacy when I occupy my bathroom. This is something that I have discovered comes with the territory of being a mother. The moment you cross the threshold, the Christmas rush follows. No matter the industrial strength your lock might be, children use their mind powers to pick those locks. Children seem to believe that the only way to communicate is through the bathroom door. But this is something that only happens to mothers.... never the father.
Our days start very early at our house: 0615 AM. I woke up a little bit later and immedialtly jumped in the shower. I didn't lock the door behind me (even though that would have done me no good). I showered quickly and it seemed that everytime I tried to get out of the shower someone was trying to get into the bathroom. By the time I could finally get out of the shower, I was running 15 minutes behind schedule. Without fail, the next person comes in to get ready. With no privacy and a second bathroom, I have to fight to get ready every morning!!
Four people using one very small bathroom is not an easy task.
But I have a toilet that flushes, a sink that doesn't leak and a shower/tub with hot water.
Yesterday morning, by 715 AM, I knew what I needed to be grateful for that day because I had complained the loudest about it.
I am thankful for Indoor Plumbing!!
I wasn't complaining about indoor plumbing per se.... I was complaining about the lack of privacy when I occupy my bathroom. This is something that I have discovered comes with the territory of being a mother. The moment you cross the threshold, the Christmas rush follows. No matter the industrial strength your lock might be, children use their mind powers to pick those locks. Children seem to believe that the only way to communicate is through the bathroom door. But this is something that only happens to mothers.... never the father.
Our days start very early at our house: 0615 AM. I woke up a little bit later and immedialtly jumped in the shower. I didn't lock the door behind me (even though that would have done me no good). I showered quickly and it seemed that everytime I tried to get out of the shower someone was trying to get into the bathroom. By the time I could finally get out of the shower, I was running 15 minutes behind schedule. Without fail, the next person comes in to get ready. With no privacy and a second bathroom, I have to fight to get ready every morning!!
Four people using one very small bathroom is not an easy task.
But I have a toilet that flushes, a sink that doesn't leak and a shower/tub with hot water.
a smackeral of honey,
Sharing is Caring
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
#6 VOTE For Pedro!
I am blessed to live in a country that I can have a voice. It was designed so that I could have a voice. I choose if I want to be free or if I want live in bondage. I am a third generation American and I live in amazing country. Women before me didn't have this chance because they couldn't. Generations before me have fought so that I could vote and could do it without fear.

I am grateful for the country that I live in and that I have a voice. I don't have to fear when I go to the polls. I can hold my head high and vote how I feel.
I am grateful to be an American. I am grateful that I have a voice. I am grateful that I can and do vote.
a smackeral of honey,
Sharing is Caring
Monday, November 5, 2012
#5 Mama called the Doctor
Today has gone by quickly and I accomplished very little. I paid just as much attention to finding my gratitude today as to how much I accomplished. So as I sit here, contemplating the thing that has made me grateful today, all I can come up with is my Pulmonologist: Dr. H
I know, that is really weird to be grateful for your pulmonologist but I am. You see, about three years ago, I was really sick. I couldn't breath and nobody could explain it. I started seeing Dr. H in 2009 and with the help a few other doctors, we discovered that my gallbladder was broken (and was forthwith removed), I had asthma and I was allergic to the Flu Shot.
I work in health care but I do not interact with patients. I sit behind a desk, that is hidden within the administration office. I interact with the public mostly by phone. Last year, my company made it mandatory that every employee must have a flu shot.
So, I applied for an exemption. I was denied.
I got my flu shot and I immediately got sick. I went into Dr. H, we made sure that everything was properly documented so that the next year I wouldn't be denied.
"Next year, I will make sure that they know that you can't have this shot and to leave you the hell alone!" she said as I left her office.
Once again, Flu Shot season is upon us and once again: I was denied.
I immediately called her office but she is on call this week so her office is closed. But I spoke with her nurse and she was upset that I was denied. Apparently, my reaction isn't considered an adverse effect/allergic reaction by the CDC. I emailed Dr. H and so did her nurse.
I haven't heard back from her yet but I know that she will cannot be happy with our corporate office right about now. I am grateful to know that I have someone who cares. She is an amazing doctor, with a great smile and great sense of humor. It also doesn't hurt that her daughters are in girl scouts and sell me thin mints every March. I have faith in her that she is on my side and will be doing everything in her power to make sure that I am healthy and that I can breath. She is willing to fight for me.
She cares for me as person and not just her patient. For that, I am truly grateful.
I know, that is really weird to be grateful for your pulmonologist but I am. You see, about three years ago, I was really sick. I couldn't breath and nobody could explain it. I started seeing Dr. H in 2009 and with the help a few other doctors, we discovered that my gallbladder was broken (and was forthwith removed), I had asthma and I was allergic to the Flu Shot.
I work in health care but I do not interact with patients. I sit behind a desk, that is hidden within the administration office. I interact with the public mostly by phone. Last year, my company made it mandatory that every employee must have a flu shot.
So, I applied for an exemption. I was denied.
I got my flu shot and I immediately got sick. I went into Dr. H, we made sure that everything was properly documented so that the next year I wouldn't be denied.
"Next year, I will make sure that they know that you can't have this shot and to leave you the hell alone!" she said as I left her office.
Once again, Flu Shot season is upon us and once again: I was denied.
I immediately called her office but she is on call this week so her office is closed. But I spoke with her nurse and she was upset that I was denied. Apparently, my reaction isn't considered an adverse effect/allergic reaction by the CDC. I emailed Dr. H and so did her nurse.
I haven't heard back from her yet but I know that she will cannot be happy with our corporate office right about now. I am grateful to know that I have someone who cares. She is an amazing doctor, with a great smile and great sense of humor. It also doesn't hurt that her daughters are in girl scouts and sell me thin mints every March. I have faith in her that she is on my side and will be doing everything in her power to make sure that I am healthy and that I can breath. She is willing to fight for me.
She cares for me as person and not just her patient. For that, I am truly grateful.
a smackeral of honey,
Sharing is Caring
#4 Miss May
I am not going to lie: I was angry when I found I was pregnant with Miss May.
I wasn't ready. I wasn't in a good place in my life. I didn't want to take the chance of having another miscarriage.
Three days after I found out that I was pregnant, my sweet sister in law lost her baby at 22 weeks.
Then, my mother died. I was 27 weeks pregnant with Miss May, when I got the phone call that my mother had passed in her sleep. Four days later, my biological father assaulted me. I missed my mothers viewing and because I was in the Labor and Delivery Trauma Unit for most of the night. We almost lost her. Her heart rate dropped and I experienced deep fear. Real ugly fear. I had just lost my Mommy and I was facing losing a second child. I took a deep breath... I can't remember if I prayed, I probably did. Then, her sweet swooshing heart beat once more filled the room.
She rescued me from my grief. She became a light and beacon to my life. She has tested every ounce of patience in me. She has pushed every limit and then some. She has been my teacher. She has brought sunshine and thunder to my life.
She has never been a cuddly child but she is the most loving. She learned to crawl at 5 months and was walking around the furniture at six months. By nine months she was walking and at a year, she was running. She is one of the smartest (and most cunning) people I know. She is an old soul and has wisdom and strength that is powerful.
And I am grateful that I get to be her Momma.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
#3 The Good Life
I seriously believe that God is trying to tell me something. I know that he is constantly teaching me but right now, I believe that he is telling me.
What is this thing that God is telling you? You might wonder.
For a long time now, I have many experiences where I am walking away from them with the impresssions of:
This morning I awoke in search of what I was grateful for. My list went on and on (it's a good thing I still have the rest of the month to cover them all) but nothing satisfied me. So this afternoon, the kids and I went grocery shopping and this awesome song came on. I listened to some of the words and realized what I was grateful for:
My life isn't bad. My life is good with the potential to get even better!
What is this thing that God is telling you? You might wonder.
For a long time now, I have many experiences where I am walking away from them with the impresssions of:
Be Grateful
Count Your Blessings
Life is better than you think.
Be Aware of all that you have.
It's going to be Okay.
This morning I awoke in search of what I was grateful for. My list went on and on (it's a good thing I still have the rest of the month to cover them all) but nothing satisfied me. So this afternoon, the kids and I went grocery shopping and this awesome song came on. I listened to some of the words and realized what I was grateful for:
My life isn't bad. My life is good with the potential to get even better!
So please tell me what's there to complain about?
Friday, November 2, 2012
An Attitude of Gratitude
Fall is upon us.
The leaves have turned.
The candy supply is in full swing until February.
Halloween is over.
The Christmas music is now playing on the radio.
Hello People!!! There is this little holiday between Halloween and Christmas called: THANKSGIVING.
You know what I am talking about. Turkey, Cranberry sauce, mashed potatos, rolls, pies, pies and more pies. Stretchy pants and let us not forget the most wonderful Thanksgiving tradition of all: Football. I understand that the holidays come upon us quickly and pass even faster but seriously, you're starting your Christmas Holiday now??
Give November a chance!
So in the spirit of giving thanks, for the past two years I have taken every day in November to give thanks on Facebook. This year, because I don't have to worry about the number of characters, I have decided to blog my Thank Yous. Here I can tell you a whole lot more of why I am thankful.
So to catch up...
November 1
Today I am grateful for Nyquil and sleep.
Tuesday night I had a fever close to 103. I was really sick! My wonderful Hotstuff saved the day and ran to the store and bought me the only thing they really had left... Nyquil.
I took two tablets at 930pm and slept until 1230 the next day. My fever broke and I was able to get over most of what ailed me. All with the help of some Nyquil and 15 hours of sleep.
November 2
Today I am grateful for HOME.
This one is kinda hard to explain.I grew up just south of Portland, Or. and my adoptive parents live near Seattle. I have never lived a day of my life in Seattle but every time that plane touches down at Sea-Tac or PDX, I feel like I am home. I have lived in the state of Utah for the last 11 years now. Eleven years later, I still feel like a tourist.
A couple of days ago, I recieved an email from my adoptive mom telling me about job openings at the Naval Shipyard. This job oppurtunity for Hotstuff (and our family) would be AMAZING!! But it would also mean that we would have to move to the Great Northwest. (Insert Happy dance here!) I shouldn't get too ahead of myself though, Hotstuff has only applied.
Meditating upon the many different ideas and scenarios in my head about moving, for the first time ever... I have some reservations about going home to the Great Northwest. We have our children in great schools, my sister lives (80 miles) nearby, we both a lot of extended family in the state, we have good jobs and I have a job with great benefits. We have soooo much established here, why fix something that ain't broke?
As I said my morning prayers today, I prayed about some of this. I found myself grateful for so much. I realized as I prayed, that I will probably always feel like a tourist here in Utah. I may never find that satisfaction of living here and going home may never be an option. But going there.... going home with be an act of faith and trust in God. With all of that, I finally understood that HOME meant more than a place. HOME really is where your heart is and mine is with these wonderful people.
The leaves have turned.
The candy supply is in full swing until February.
Halloween is over.
The Christmas music is now playing on the radio.
Hello People!!! There is this little holiday between Halloween and Christmas called: THANKSGIVING.
You know what I am talking about. Turkey, Cranberry sauce, mashed potatos, rolls, pies, pies and more pies. Stretchy pants and let us not forget the most wonderful Thanksgiving tradition of all: Football. I understand that the holidays come upon us quickly and pass even faster but seriously, you're starting your Christmas Holiday now??
Give November a chance!
So in the spirit of giving thanks, for the past two years I have taken every day in November to give thanks on Facebook. This year, because I don't have to worry about the number of characters, I have decided to blog my Thank Yous. Here I can tell you a whole lot more of why I am thankful.
So to catch up...
November 1
Today I am grateful for Nyquil and sleep.
Tuesday night I had a fever close to 103. I was really sick! My wonderful Hotstuff saved the day and ran to the store and bought me the only thing they really had left... Nyquil.
I took two tablets at 930pm and slept until 1230 the next day. My fever broke and I was able to get over most of what ailed me. All with the help of some Nyquil and 15 hours of sleep.
November 2
Today I am grateful for HOME.
This one is kinda hard to explain.I grew up just south of Portland, Or. and my adoptive parents live near Seattle. I have never lived a day of my life in Seattle but every time that plane touches down at Sea-Tac or PDX, I feel like I am home. I have lived in the state of Utah for the last 11 years now. Eleven years later, I still feel like a tourist.
A couple of days ago, I recieved an email from my adoptive mom telling me about job openings at the Naval Shipyard. This job oppurtunity for Hotstuff (and our family) would be AMAZING!! But it would also mean that we would have to move to the Great Northwest. (Insert Happy dance here!) I shouldn't get too ahead of myself though, Hotstuff has only applied.
Meditating upon the many different ideas and scenarios in my head about moving, for the first time ever... I have some reservations about going home to the Great Northwest. We have our children in great schools, my sister lives (80 miles) nearby, we both a lot of extended family in the state, we have good jobs and I have a job with great benefits. We have soooo much established here, why fix something that ain't broke?
As I said my morning prayers today, I prayed about some of this. I found myself grateful for so much. I realized as I prayed, that I will probably always feel like a tourist here in Utah. I may never find that satisfaction of living here and going home may never be an option. But going there.... going home with be an act of faith and trust in God. With all of that, I finally understood that HOME meant more than a place. HOME really is where your heart is and mine is with these wonderful people.
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