For Mother's Day, Hotstuff and the kids got me a Kindle and I love it!!!!!!! It is light weight, I don't have to change out my purse constantly to fit my book and features on it are great. I resisted to the idea of an electronic device that contained books at first. I honestly afraid to get one because I thought I would be losing so much. One of my most favorite smells in the whole world is the smell of a new book. You know that smell! the smell of paper and the further toward the spine the more potent the smell is. My Kindle will never have that smell. I was afraid that I would not be able to lose my self in my electronic screen the way I do on paper.
Finally, one night I was lying in bed reading. I had just finished another book and was ready to start on another. I hate the awkardness that comes when trying to hold your book and lie comfortably in bed. I gave in and pulled out my Kindle, loaded my book and read so much more comfortably in bed. Yes, I lost a bit with my kindle; the paper, the smell but I was still able to get lost in the words and pages of the story.
In the many books that I have read so far, here are my six favorites.

I took Miss May to the library and found this book in the Jr. section of the library. I picked it up and thumbed through and noticed that is was written in poetic form. I checked it out and took it home.
It is the true story of Syvia. A jewish girl during World War II. In 1940, at the age of 4 1/2 she and her family are sent to live in the ghetto of Lodz, Poland. In the begining, 270,000 Jews were banished to this ghetto. In 1945, the Jews were freed from the ghetto and only 800 remained; 12 of them were children.
My heart ached reading this story. This young girl was hidden from the Nazis as they rounded up the Jewish children and took them to the concentration camps to be killed. I loved that the story was written in poetry form. I spoke volumes more... I felt as if I was there with this girl, in the ghetto, in the hole, in the cellar, in the warehouse. She had to learn to be still, to be brave and to trust her family.
My favorite quote from this whole book comes from something her father said to her. "We must honor our differences while we find our own and our own strength the best we know how."

The Book Theif by Markus Zusak
I was told about this book by my boss and was intrigued. A year later, I found this book at the library and checked it out. The story is about a young german orphan named Liesle. In the very begining she is sent to live with a foster family. The story takes place during World War II. Liesle cannot read when she arrives but her foster papa teaches her everynight. Through everything that Liesl and her family experience, Liesl finds strength in the words that she learns.
What sucked me into this story, is that it is not told from the point of view of Liesl, but it is Death himself telling the story. He recounts the images of Liesl and those around her.
Death makes the comment: "500 souls. I carried them on my fingers.... It was only the children I carried in my arms."
I loved how Death told Liesl's story! In the end I cried like a baby but I love this book. This is a must read!!!

Abadon by Meg Cabot
I have found a love for YA novels. I don' t have to put my brain filters on and I can enjoy more. The problem is..... I feel like I am reading the same story over and over and over again. You know the one.... Boy meets girl, girl has a insane attraction to him.... boy is some weird freak... boy saves girl and boy and girl fall in love. (Sorry, I just totally gave away the story of Twilight). So I jumped onto and joined their fabulous site. I came across this book and was intrigued and thougt to give it a try before I completely give up on the YA all together.
I LOVED IT!!!!!!! Meg Cabot is an incredible writer. I have seen many of her books before and never was interested in them. This is a boy meets girl... boy is some weird freak... but girl isn't falling in love. The base of this story comes from my favorite Greek Myth. If I tell you which one then that will ruin it for you. The way Meg Cabot writes, I found myself having to pay better attention to the things happening in the story because the main character Pierce, would have flashbacks and many times they would happen too quickly. Great story, great writing and I want more!!! PLEASE WRITE FASTER MISS CABOT!!

The Hunger Games Trilogy By Suzanne Collins
I devoured this series! The great thing about showing up late to the dance is that you don't have to wait for the next book. The story is set in Panem (North America) in the distant future. The people of the Panem are divided into 12 districts and in order for each district to have enough supplies and food for the year, each district is to provide on girl and one boy for the Hunger Games. These 24 children, ages 12-17, are thrown into an arena for all to see. Cameras and microphones are everywhere, everything is recorded and nothing is sacred. The end goal is to be the only one left alive, these children are sent to fight to the death. As morbid and horrible as it sounds, there is still innocence. I got to the end of the books hated it! I was so mad at the way it ended. I put it away and the next morning woke up realizing that the end was what I loved about it. It was real.
The stories are written in first person as the story is happening.
The first book is being made into movie right now. Can't say that I am super excited about it because I am more nervous than anything. No matter what, the books will always be better than the movie.
There they are my 6 favorites so far this year.... still looking for more books to make my goal. What are your favorites?? any other great books to read???