Pretty cool huh! These were taken at the hospital that I work at. One of the nurses sisters took the photo and it was sent to me by one of my coworkers.
It's a FAKE!!!!
Yep! Sadly enough, there is an app for that!
For the last week it has been passed around to some of us at the hospital. I really did think that is was real at first. Why? Well, I work at a hospital first of all. There are a lot of souls coming in and a lot souls going out. In the fall, one of my coworkers told me about her brother in law who is a security guard at the same hospital. He had relayed to her an experience where he saw a little girl in a long dress walking the halls late one night. He has chased after her because he thought she was lost. He lost her and couldn't find where she went. He and the other security guards looked on the video tape to see if they could find where she disappeared off to and all they saw was him walking the halls talking to himself.
One of the other nurses I worked with told me that when she worked on the transitional care unit she had had patients that would talk about a little girl dressed in long white dress within a couple of days before that had passed away.
Personally, I have seen spirits in the hospital and have had my own personal encounters with them.
So I posted the picture on facebook on the wall of Ghost Adventures Show and asked them to debunk it. They didn't but about 24 hours after I posted it, it was debunked by a fan of the show. Apple/GDE Films, LLC has created an app that you can add ghosts to your pictures. One commenter went on a rant because this same little girl has been used over and over again many times in other photos. Now that I know it is a fake, I want some one to tell me what how it was created to be a fake.
I once read the statement: Have you ever noticed now that everyone has a home video camera there are no more UFO sightings?
My deepest apologies to all that were fooled by this picture.